Company's Mission

Achieving your goals can become a little overwhelming , life coaching and assistance in life is a necessity to all ages, the earlier the orientation and help start the less problems and obstacles you could face in the future.

Sometimes even well oriented people get a little overwhelmed with life itself, yoga and meditation could help release the stress and achieve your higher self. 

We are here to help you get to your ultimate best version of yourself because we care. 

Sessions with Insights really changed my perspective, i learned to prioritize, achieve and be more productive and self aware of my potential and capabilities. thank you Insights team for all your help. each coach and trainer really put their mark on your path.

Z. Afiouni

أنا عملت ورشة عمل مع الكوش وفعلاً غيرلي وجهت نظري بالأمور لكنت فكرها موقفاني وكنت فالحقيقة أنا موقف نفسي عن التطور ول إستيعاب 

M.Salah ahmad

حقيقي حقيقي مش عرفة ومش لقية كلمات توصف ألشعور يلي حسيته وخصوصاً أن معظم الكلام كان بجاوب ع اسئلة جواي وبفكر فيها 

Sarah Salem



Coaches /Trainers

We are 4 partners, gathered to ensure you get the best version of your life ! we specialize in different aspects of coaching and training.

Coach Ahmad Fadl : Trainer of Trainers

-Masters international - Excellence degree - Training Trainers

-Intrepreneurship & Business university - Excellence degree

-TOT certification - EATM

-Masters in Learning Difficulties for languages and new programs.

عندما يشعر الفرد أنه قادر على توصيل  المعلومة بمصداقية وشخصية تناسب معظم الأفراد بمختلف المشاعر و الخبرات يجب أن يقدمكل ما لديه حتى يستفيد كل من حولك والسبب ستعرفه عند فعل الأمر، لأن المعنى لحقيقي للسعادة هو ان تحب ما تفعله وتكون قادر على تحقيق نجاحك بأفضل الصور

Coach Shaimaa Abou Zaid : Certified Professional Coach / Trainer of Trainers -( ICF )

-Masters International - Trainer of trainers

-MBA instructor

-BA Media & Communications

-EDMORE - (ICF) - professional coach

-Motivational Interviewing Competences & Resource development (ICF)

" As your Coach i Will be Believing in you even when you don't "

Coach Ahmad Houssein - Coach ZAK :Certified Professional        Coach (ICF)

- Alexandria University - Faculty of Engineering

-ICF - 13 years of experience Trainer

- Masters international - Trainer of Trainers

-10+ years of experience in the field of awareness , behavior change, productivity and motivation in all areas of life.

Karim Strougo : Yoga Guru 

-Clinical exercise specialist - E-RYT500

-class description & free lecture description.


Visit our Hub , in New Cairo City 

get to know us and our services 


القاهره الجديده التجمع الاول شارع احمد محرم

Working Hours ساعات العمل

Monday - Thursday الاثنين - الخميس

11:00am - 9:00pm

Friday الجمعة

2pm - 10pm

Saturday - Sunday السبت - الأحد
